How many geologists or paleontologists are creationists?
Don't you think it would be a good idea if all schoolchildren were taught the geological column as a matter of course? It would put an end to a lot of creationist nonsense.
born in 1769, william "strata" smith was the eldest of five children of a oxfordshire blacksmith.
he had only a basic education but became fascinated by local fossils when he began work on his uncle's farm.
his flair for geometry inspired him to learn surveying which led to his career.. by 1794 he was supervising the building of the somerset coal canal, and was travelling around the country to visit other canal sites.
How many geologists or paleontologists are creationists?
Don't you think it would be a good idea if all schoolchildren were taught the geological column as a matter of course? It would put an end to a lot of creationist nonsense.
( jw governing body members are invited to respond) .
however professional and glossy their pr makeover is, as seen on jw tv and the jw org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy..
to outsiders the jw org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick..
Yes force is a very good means they are rich and JWs are powerless.
But what about their right to claim the exclusive attention of the creator of the universe? The legitimacy of the JW org?
If there is a creator why would he choose this bunch of non-entities in 1919 when the beliefs they held in those days, today would be fact to hold those beliefs now would get you disfellowshipped!
What sort of God is this whose name must be proclaimed? I will tell you.
Jehovah is the modern English form of a Latin translation of "Yahweh." Yahweh was the name of one of the gods in the Canaanite pantheon, He was one of the seventy sons of the 'almighty' God El. (Why don't JWs worship him instead?) Yahweh was represented as a seated ox-headed idol in the manner of Egyptian gods, bearing grand curving horns and he sat alongside his female consort Ashera.
These supremely pagan ideas were borrowed by the Israelites from their more illustrious sea-faring neighbours the Phoenicians BACK IN THE BRONZE AGE.
JW defenders...Why not wake up now and realize you have been duped?
( jw governing body members are invited to respond) .
however professional and glossy their pr makeover is, as seen on jw tv and the jw org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy..
to outsiders the jw org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick..
Mr Acty person, you make a valid reason for denying the JW response summarised by SBF, that is; it is a selective list made to serve as a touchstone which appears to serve their own practices. The JW org is only interested in promoting its own selective point of view, it is never objective...after all that is what cults do.
However when attempting to get to the bottom of a problem (the legitimacy of the GB's authority) it is necessary to broaden out their claim to test the validity of their foundation material.
For this they are claiming to be the exclusive preachers of the invisible kingdom of God established in the heavens back in 1914. The fact is that there is no good reason to believe this. The scriptures in Daniel on which the date is based is a fraud (like much of the Bible), the date is calculated on wrong assumptions, Jesus said the kingdom would come in his day. The whole mixture of asumption, probability and lies is as nutty as a fruit-cake.
In other words anyone can make out that they are the chosen one to tell the world by using their own selection of words from the Bible.
Was a violin made to play only one tune?
So I'm suggesting that the authority for the WTBTS gb is invalid because:
A they have failed in their imagined divine mandate and reason for their existence: to proclaim Armageddon for the generation of 1914
B that the Bible on which they base their claims is being exposed as a dying superstition.
( jw governing body members are invited to respond) .
however professional and glossy their pr makeover is, as seen on jw tv and the jw org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy..
to outsiders the jw org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick..
Pbrow--- lol!
Donkeys asside, with the WTBTS having failed totally on their principal claim and raison d'etre of being Gods watchmen what legitimacy have they got left?
Isn’t the failure alone the reason for disqualification?
( jw governing body members are invited to respond) .
however professional and glossy their pr makeover is, as seen on jw tv and the jw org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy..
to outsiders the jw org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick..
But their total failure in the prophecy department makes these cosy claims null and void. Such failure is dramatic evidence of not having God's guidance or blessing.
( jw governing body members are invited to respond) .
however professional and glossy their pr makeover is, as seen on jw tv and the jw org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy..
to outsiders the jw org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick..
( JW Governing body members are invited to respond)
However professional and glossy their PR makeover is, as seen on JW TV and the JW org logo... the bottom line is that 19th century religious adventist claims are no longer sexy.
To outsiders the JW org now has all the allure of a donkey wearing lipstick.
No makeover will hide the raw cult speech for promoting themselves as “guardians of the doctrines”. First, truth does not need guardians and second, who wants crazy mega-death doomsday doctrines in the first place?
We’ve listed the prevailing popular perceptions before:
Money grabbing,
Family destroying,
Bible literalists
Discouragers of education
On top of these damning features they have been exposed in the press as harbouring paedophiles and heartlessly not caring for the victims in their midst. Two-faced in their stance condemning the UN then secretly joining that organisation. Having two values for the lives of members in different countries, namely the scandals in Mexico and Malawi etc.
Yet the membership steadily increased towards the end of the last century.
It seems to me this was in large part due to the benign and friendly manner of people like us (when deluded!) who welcomed the new converts to our international social club for the gullible. The growth now is reduced and the increase is only from the JW children anxious to please their brain-washed parents and critically from among those who don’t have the internet.
I hope the internet and its transparent information is the death of Watchtower propaganda.
The GB is suffering a credibility crisis. In 136 years they have never said anything amounting to evidence of being singled out as the exclusive channel which God is using. Significantly they used to seduce the punters with the promise that those who saw their magic year 1914 (like Fred Franz did) would also see the end of the “wicked system of things.” Result: As usual; an unmitigated failure!
This was the climax in their history of making false claims........ Why don’t the majority leave?
Is there anything left which they can point to claim divine favour or authority?
( insult to donkeys was intended in writing this)
it is now thought that we have been interbreeding with neanderthals as early as 100,000 years ago..
craziest thing i just realized: some women still breed with neanderthals up to this day.
rihanna and chris brown anyone?.
it is now thought that we have been interbreeding with neanderthals as early as 100,000 years ago..
craziest thing i just realized: some women still breed with neanderthals up to this day.
rihanna and chris brown anyone?.
Yes the Neanderthals survived in Britain during the Ice Age at Cresswell Crags in Derbyshire and without central heating as well. By heck! they were reet tuff in them days. I was born in that area myself...makes you wonder...
Indeed more skeletal parts from Denisovans will be most welcome. Will they exhibit mid-face prominence (maxilliary prognathism) such as in Neanderthal or perhaps they will look like some of the flatter faced north Siberian tribes such as the Yukaghirs or Tungus? (Couldn't load the pics)
These are exciting times in writing in the details of the human pedigree.
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
There are no records of God ever intervening in crises and he never will. A real loving father would not drown most of his children in a flood or shake millions to death in an earthquake would he?
Instead he is a psychological projection of idealized fatherhood, a 'rescuer' patterned on a universal family childhood experience, a hope, a comfort blanket for the desperate... but not a concrete reality.
He only ever exists in people's imagination.
The Bible was made not by a divine hand but it is drawn from the culling of near eastern literature, notably from Egypt, Persia and Babylon, which were the political masters of Israel. Its application was re-written to feed the emotional and nationalistic needs of the benighted peasants of the highlands of Canaan. It incorporates its neighbour's wood and stone idols such as the god Yahweh the son of El. Most of the Bible is borrowed from other sources, it is rarely original. it often espouses the very worst aspects humanity and of political enforcement, male chauvinism, turbo-charged religious chauvinism, homophobia, genocide and mega-death.
The Bible is a nasty piece of literature to base your life on.
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Mr Acty, I’m not sure we have vitriol here, just an argument. As an ex JW I have a hyper-allergenic reaction to the word "ministries". That may just be me but I have learned my lesson.
Many on this site have come to realise that the reason why JWs are wrong is the same reason which disqualifies all theism and belief in a spirit world; it is fable.
How can you with any experience of modern education believe that a supernatural being which is undetectable by the five senses, has done this or that and wants everyone to believe in him and if you don’t believe he exists, or do what he says... you get murdered by him?
How on earth could anyone believe such rubbish and claim it to be sacred?
There is the same degree of evidence for this as for fairies at the bottom of the garden.